
‘When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy’

We look forward to welcoming you to our special services this Christmas!

All-age Carols

22nd December 10:30am, St Michael’s

A joyful (and possibly slightly chaotic) celebration during our 10:30 service, with Christingle oranges.

9:00 Traditional Communion will run as normal

Carols by Candlelight

15th December 4pm, St Barnabas
22nd December 6pm, St Michael’s

Traditional service of 9 Lessons & Carols, followed by mulled wine & mince pies.

Suitable for ages 8+

A Melksham Nativity

24th December 3pm or 4pm, St Michael’s

Fun family carols, live animals & hot chocolate.

Booking essential - book free tickets below

Midnight Mass

24th December, 11:30pm, St Michael’s

A contemplative service of Holy Communion to bring in Christmas Day.

Christmas Celebration

25th December
10:00am, St Michael’s
10:00am, St Barnabas

Bring your presents to our all-age service, with Holy Communion.

Christmas design

This year’s Christmas flyer features a linoprint of the Nativity by local artist (and member of St Michael’s) Karen Attfield.

To get in touch, contact her at, or come along one Tuesday morning to Crafty Café!