Kids & Youth
“Let the little children come to me”
- Jesus
There’s something for all ages here at Melksham Church - check out our groups below, or join us on a Sunday!
Kids (0-11s)
Sunday Club
Sunday Club meets every week during the morning service at St Michael’s, and is led by Hannah and our wonderful team of DBS’d volunteers.
There are around 25 kids and youth across the different groups each Sunday - expect fun, games, singing and snacks as we encounter Jesus together!
Youth (yr 7+)
Sunday mornings
St Michael’s Youth hang out in The Loft during the 10:30 service for hot chocolate-fuelled chats about life and faith.
Tuesday nights
Head to the Church Room for games, Bible study & more hot chocolate from 7:30 - 8:30pm.
Scramblers 0 - 2’s
Climbers 2 - reception
Explorers year 1 - 6
Find out more
For more information about our kids work, or to enquire about joining the team: